WCB Job Connections Website

Employers can access the WCB Training on the Job program (TOJ) for placement of WCB claimants.  TOJs offer wage subsidy, retraining funding and liability protection to the hiring employer.  An employer accessing the site will simply need to create an ID for themselves and a password so they can get started. https://wcb-employer.jobconnections.net/register The link to the …

WCB Fit for Work Dashboard

This new tool is now available to all employers with a MyWCB Clams Administrator role and can be accessed right from LCR. ITF members were involved in piloting the dashboard. Information is updated daily and includes restrictions and modified work options, along with claim owner contact information.   Fit for Work Dashboard Information for Employers

WCB Policy Consultation

Consultation is currently open on Occupational Hearing Loss. WCB is proposing changes to Policy 03-01, Part II, Application 5 to provide additional guidance when adjudicating hearing loss claims.  The ITF Association is an active participant in all policy consultation opportunities. The consultation document can be found on the WCB website. https://www.wcb.ab.ca/about-wcb/policy-and-legislation/whats-new-in-policy.html

WCB Employer App

Employers can now manage their WCB account with the Employer Mobile App. Features include requesting a clearance, reporting injuries, paying premiums and more. Visit https://www.wcb.ab.ca/resources/for-employers/online-services.html for additional information

Advisor Office

The Advisor Office for Alberta Workers’ Compensation provides appeal related services to workers and employers at no cost. Representatives are available to met with employers or participate in conferences, trade shows or other events to discuss programs and services in greater detail. Advisor Office & Medical Panels Program Update

Legislative & Policy Changes

Bill 47 introduced a series of changes intended to restore balance and improve efficiencies in the workers compensation system.  Changes included introduction of a duty to cooperate in lieu of the obligation to reinstate and defining of egregious conduct. https://www.wcb.ab.ca/about-wcb/whats-new/legislative-changes.html


The COVID-19 situation has impacted employers and the workers’ compensation system in many ways.  The WCB has claim acceptance and cost relief policies for COVID claims.  Information published by the WCB and OHS is available from the links below.  https://www.wcb.ab.ca/assets/pdfs/employers/COVID19_cost_relief.pdf https://www.wcb.ab.ca/assets/pdfs/employers/EFS_Canada_emergency_wage_subsidy.pdf https://www.wcb.ab.ca/about-wcb/news-and-announcements/COVID-19.html

Workplace Mental Health in Alberta

Join the Workplace Mental Health in Alberta Interactive Workshop Date: March 12, 2020 9:00 – 3:00 Location: NAIT Productivity and Innovation Center Members Click Here to Register Non-Members Click Here to Register

Policy Consultation Advisory Group

The Policy Consultation Advisory Group (PCAG) provides policy input and advice to the WCB. This group is made up of four employer representatives who are members of the ITF Association and four members from the labour community.  Meeting minutes and additional information on the PCAG can be found on the WCB website. https://www.wcb.ab.ca/about-wcb/policy-and-legislation/policy-consultation-advisory-group.ht

Fair Practices Office

As an independent office, the Fair Practices Office (FPO) provides an important “check and balance” on the WCB and other parts of the workers’ compensation system. Established December 3 2018, the FPO helps ensure the system treats workers and employers fairly.  Services to employers include:  Resolution: We will seek resolution with the Workers’ Compensation Board on behalf of the employer.  Advice …